Advanced Dental Artistry

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Ever wondered, how long can you keep your teeth with periodontal disease? Or asked, can bone regenerate after periodontal disease? If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms of gum disease, you likely have.
If you're considering cosmetic dentistry to improve your smile, it's crucial that you are recommended the right solution that will meet your specific needs and goals. While both veneers and implants can restore damaged or missing teeth, each option has unique benefits that may be more appropriate depending on your dental situation.
Vaping and e-cigarettes have become increasingly more popular in the past decade, but research into the long-term effects of these devices hasn’t caught up and remains ongoing. This means there is minimal statistical research to answer the question: does vaping damage teeth? Which is surprising, especially considering the number of individuals who are regular vapers.
Teeth can fall out for a number of reasons, no matter your age. If you have experienced tooth loss, you may have asked yourself ‘what happens if you don’t replace missing teeth?’ A lost tooth may not seem like a big deal but it can in fact cause serious oral health and overall health issues in the long term if left untreated. The gap in your teeth is not only an aesthetic problem but can also cause difficulty with day-to-day tasks, including chewing and speaking.
Teeth grinding affects a large portion of the population, though many don’t even realise they’re doing it. When ignored, teeth grinding can have a huge impact on your mouth and can cause serious tooth damage over time. If you’re wondering how to stop grinding teeth in sleep, let us give you a rundown of everything you need to know to get started.
A white smile and healthy teeth are on many people’s wish list. Unfortunately, surface stains from heavily pigmented foods, tooth chips and cracks, and more serious dental issues like tooth decay and gum disease may be causing you to hide your smile. There are numerous reasons why you may be experiencing discolouration of your teeth, but fortunately there are many solutions to achieve your dental goals.
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